对公民基本权利受到第三人侵害时 ,如何寻求司法保障的问题 ,目前宪法学界有不同看法。笔者认为 ,要从理论上解决这一问题 ,首先应当弄清公民基本权利的内涵以及与此相关的宪法关系的特点。当公民基本权利受到第三者侵害时 ,要求国家予以保障 ,是公民基本权利的固有内涵 ;国家权力通过积极行为对公民基本权利进行保障 ,是宪法关系的应有之义。因此 ,从理论上和实践中确认普通法院对第三人侵犯公民基本权利行为的司法审查的合法性 ,通过对侵犯公民基本权利的审查 ,对违宪行为予以撤消 ,是公民基本权利司法保障的可行途径和手段。
When a person's fundamental civil right is infringe d upon by a third person, the victim's right of seeking national protection is wha t fundamental civil rights connote, and the nation's duty to positively safeguar d fundamental civil rights is what constitutional relationship properly means. A s a conclusion, the author holds that to recognize, both theoretically and pract ically, the legality of common courts' judicial review over the issue of third p erson's infringement of fundamental civil rights, and, through this review, to r evoke acts of breaching constitution, is a workable means to protect fundamental civil rights.
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