
同志加兄弟:1950年代中苏边界关系——对中苏边界问题的历史考察(之一) 被引量:2

Brotherly Comrades:A Historical Examination of the Sino-Soviet Relations on Their Borders in the 1950s
摘要 中苏边界关系的发展变化,有着深厚的中苏两党两国关系演变的背景。1950年代,随着中苏两国同盟关系的建立和巩固,在社会主义阵营共同利益和中苏国家关系意识形态标准的约束下,中苏国界成为两国共同的边界,苏联的国防力量承担着保卫中国边界的任务。中共搁置历史遗留的中苏边界问题,双方边界关系呈现出同志加兄弟的亲密状态。1958年中国准备解决中苏边界问题后,尽管中苏两党分歧加深,但在中共加强同苏联团结的总方针指导下,有关中苏边界的调研工作平稳进行。中苏边界一直是一条基本和睦的边界。 The Sino-Soviet relations on the borders between them developed in the context of the changing relations between the two countries and two parties.In the 1950s,along with the establishment and consolidation of the Sino-Soviet alliance and confined by the common interests of the socialist camp and the commonly shared ideol- ogies between Beijing and Moscow,the Sino-Soviet borders became the two countries' 'common borders.'The national defense forces of the Soviet Union undertook the task of defending China's borders while,at the same time,the CCP willingly put aside the disputes over the borders left over by history.The Sino-Soviet relations over the borders were thus characterized by one between'brotherly comrades.'In 1958,when the Chinese side was preparing to solve the problems related to the borders with the Soviet Union,many differences between the Chinese and Soviet Parties were already emerging.However,under the guidance of the CCP's overall policyline of strengthe- ning solidarity with the Soviet Union,the investigations and examinations on the Sino- Soviet borders were carried out smoothly.The situation on China's borders with the Soviet Union remained peaceful and stable at the time.
作者 李丹慧
出处 《冷战国际史研究》 2004年第1期71-102,9,共33页 Cold War International History Studies
关键词 1950年代 中苏边界 中苏关系 The 1950s Sino-Soviet borders Sino-Soviet relations
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