M A 布尔加科夫 (1 891 -1 940 )的《大师与玛格丽特》在他去世 2 0年后才问世。从那时起 ,中外学者无不惊叹于它的魅力 ,誉之为 2 0世纪世界文坛中讽刺怪诞艺术的奇书。这部作家在其生命的最后 1 2年中六易其稿的呕心沥血之作笼罩着浓重的圣经神话气氛。试就小说文本与《圣经》的种种关联加以分析 。
Master and Margret,the posthumous masterpiece of M.A.Bulgakov(1891-1940),has amazed scholars both in China and foreign countries its charm and been regarded as a remarkable book of weird and sarcastic flavor in the world's literary world in the 20th century.The novel which has been revised for six times by the author in his last twelve years of life,enveloped in a heavy biblical mythological atmosphere.The paper analyses all kinds of relations between the novel and the Bible so as to find some hints for better understanding of the book.
Journal Of Tianjin Foreign Studies University