
基于Windows平台的无人机导航地面测试软件的设计 被引量:3

Design of Test Software in Base Station for Navigation under Windows Environment
摘要 介绍了共轴式无人直升机导航地面测试软件的功能模块 ,讨论了该软件的设计问题 ,该软件基于Windows平台开发 ,具有直观与完备的可视化界面 ,简便易学的操作等特点 。 A model of test software in pilotless helicopter base station for navigation is introduced. Design of test software for navigation is discussed. The software is based on Windows platform. It has a visual and self-contained visualization interface. One of the characteristics is easy to operate. It has been tested successfully for many times in navigation control system of pilotless helicopter. The result meets the demand of flight.
作者 赵琦 张晓林
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期17-19,共3页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
关键词 无人驾驶直升机 导航 测试软件 Algorithms Computer software Navigation systems
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