党的“十六大”提出了要全面建设小康社会 ,“形成比较完善的现代国民教育体系” ,“形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会 ,促进人的全面发展”。建设学习型社会要以终身学习体系的构建为前提 ,终身学习体系的构建要通过完善的国民教育体系来实现。远程教育作为现代国民教育体系的重要组成部分 ,对终身学习体系的构建乃至学习型社会的形成都将起到越来越重要的作用。
The 16th CPC national congress claims that China should construct a more wealthy society and 'make a more advanced modern national education system' and 'reform a study style society in which every nation studies, studies all one's life to give people a promotion in every aspect'. The foundation of study style society depends on all-life study system realized by a advanced national education system. As a vital part of modern national education system, distance education would play a more and more important role in foundation of all-life study system and study style society.
Modern Distance Education