英国十九世纪湖畔诗人华兹华斯在其诗歌中把一个感性的、充满着讯息的自然呈现给后世读者。诗人心灵与自然交融 ,获得了平和、纯净和欢乐。二百年后 ,“回归自然”成了现代人寻找精神家园的途径。解读华兹华斯自然诗具有了现实意义。
In his poetry,the 19\+\{th\} century English Lake Poet William Wordsworth presented the nature,which was full of senses and information,to later readers.The poet was in harmony with nature,and gained happiness and spiritual purity.Two centuries later,modern people try to find their spiritual home by way of 'returning to nature'.Therefore,it is necessary to understand his ideas on nature through his nature poetry.
Journal of Liaoning Business Vocational College