'Arithmetic in Nine Sestion', the famous classical mathematical book, represents the distinguished features of the ancient mathematics in the Orient, and reflests the wide application of mathematics. In A. D. 263, when Liu Hui, the great Chinese mathematician, made commentaries on the section 'On segment of a cicle ' in the chapter' On square' of the book 'Arithmetic in Nine Sections', he advanced an infinite series by applying the idea of the limit sequence of number and the principle of congruency by addition and substraction. To the memory of Liu Hui's great contribution in mathematics, this infinite series is named after him. For over 1700 years great attention has been paid to the 'Arithmetic in Nine Sections' and Liu's commentaries and , in recent years, monographic researches into them have been carried out by many scholars in particular, which have pushed the study to a climax. Being complicated for its calculation some other problems in Liu's Series still need to be solved . This paper obtains two new expressions in liu's Series, namely, the expression of elementary function and the expression of power serxies
Natural Science Journal of Hainan University