分析了不同Wx蛋白缺失类型小麦材料及其F1代正反交种子的直链淀粉含量及淀粉粘度的理化特性。F1代种子的直链淀粉含量在糯麦和普通小麦的直链淀粉含量之间 ,非糯×糯类型的F1代比糯×非糯类型的直链淀粉含量高。糯麦与其它材料的粘度特性显著不同 ,F1代种子的峰值粘度低于普通小麦亲本。直链淀粉含量与峰值粘度、回冷值、低谷粘度和最终粘度呈正相关 ,而与糊化温度和峰值时间的相关关系不显著。
The RVA pasting properties of different wheat Wx -protein deficient materials and their F 1 seeds were analyzed The amylose content of F 1 seeds was different from that of the waxy wheat and the non-waxy wheat The amylose content of non-waxy×waxy type was higher than that of waxy×non-waxy type The waxy wheat RVA curve was far more different from others It was showed that the peak viscosity of F 1 seeds was much lower than that of non-waxy wheat The significant correlationship was found between the amylose content and peak viscosity, set back, trough viscosity and final viscosity
Shandong Agricultural Sciences
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 9770 44 5 )
国家计委"山东省聊城大型优质小麦生产基地 ( 2 0 0 0 -14 0 5 )"资助