黄爱平君是一位颇具实力的有影响的瑶族青年诗人 ,以其独到的感悟与丰富的阅历歌咏的《边缘之水》 ,读来有如山野的清风 ,让人迷醉。黄爱平的诗歌的最大特点不在于布道 ,而是着力于一种纯心灵的写作。也许正是这一点 ,使他那凄婉的吟咏如“晓风残月”一般 。
Mr. Huang Ai-ping is a young poet of Yao Nationality with strong abilities. With his peculiar perception and enriched experience, his poem Water at the Edge is fascinating like a breeze from the mountains. He does not preach anything in his poems but write them out of his pure mind, which makes people much ponder over his plaintive tone.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)