普希金死亡意识专题研究在国内外尚属一个新课题。普希金是一个具有强烈死亡意识的诗人 ,这与他的死亡体验密不可分 ,他是在深刻的死亡震颤下走上自由自觉的诗歌道路的。其深刻背景有三 :一、“双希”死亡模式 ,二、普希金的生活体验 ,三。
The study on a. c. nyшkиH's awareness of death is a new research project both at home and abroad. a. c. nyшkиH was a poet with strong awareness of death, which was dispensable with his experience of death. He unconscientiously led himself to write poems under the shock of death. There are three reasons accounting for it: 1) the death model of Greece and Hebrews; 2) a. c. nyшkиH's experience of life; 3) the accepted culture of death in a. c. nyшkиH's literature.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)
湖南省教育厅资助项目 ( 0 2C478)