土壤洞穴侵蚀是湿陷性黄土地区普遍发生的一种独特的土壤侵蚀方式 ,其危害具有多重性。目前土壤洞穴还缺乏统一的分类与命名 ,土壤洞穴侵蚀成因机制尚未形成统一的认识和定量的表述。在大量野外调查和前人研究成果的基础上 ,首先提出了一套统一的土壤洞穴分类命名方法 ,在总结目前关于土壤洞穴侵蚀成因观点的基础上结合各种现场与室内试验成果 ,对土壤洞穴侵蚀的成因机制进行了新的探讨 ,阐明了对土壤洞穴侵蚀的一些新的看法和观点 。
Tunnel erosion is a kind of unique and common erosion in collapsing loess areas, which results in multiple damages. Presently, however, there still lack of a uniform system of categorization and nomenclature. There are several different viewpoints about the cause of tunnel erosion of soil, none of which has described it quantitatively. Firstly, a uniform system of categorization and nomenclature is suggested. Secondly, based on the analysis of present viewpoints about the cause of tunnel erosion and various tests, some new thoughts on the cause of tunnel erosion are described. Finally,the process of tunnel generating is described. All the work mentioned above forms a base to further study of tunnel erosion.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation
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