
纤维素酶对苜蓿草粉营养成分及其利用率的影响 被引量:4

Effects of the Cellulase on Nutritive Composition and Utilization Rate of Alfalfa Meal
摘要 研究纤维素酶在不同水平 (0、0 .0 5 %、0 .1% )下 ,发酵时间对苜蓿草粉营养成分及其利用率的影响。结果表明 ,纤维素酶发酵处理苜蓿草粉 10~ 2 4 d,能提高酸度 ,其酸度随着纤维素酶添加量的增加而提高。发酵17d,添加纤维素酶 0 .0 5 % ,组蛋白质含量最高。发酵 10~ 2 4 d,不影响粗脂肪、干物质、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维及磷的含量。当发酵 17d时 ,粗灰分含量随着纤维素酶添加量的增加而降低。添加纤维素酶 0 .1% ,随着发酵天数的增加 ,苜蓿草粉含钙量随之增高。肉鸡代谢试验结果表明 ,纤维素酶发酵 17d,对苜蓿草粉的粗脂肪、中性洗涤纤维和钙在肉鸡体内的利用率无显著影响。 The experiment was studied on the effects of different amount of 0、0.05% and 0.1% cellulase added to alfalfa meal for fermentation treatment of 10 days, 17 days, and 24 days respectively. The result shows that with 10~24 days' cellulase fermentation treatment. The pH value of the alfalfa meal debases generally; and the more cellulase added, the lower drops the pH value of the alfalfa meal. Alfalfa meal with 0.05% cellulase and a 17 day-fermentation-treatment boasts the highest crude protein content. However, 10~24 days fermentation treatment with any of the above-mentioned amount of cellulase does not affect the alfalfa meal's content of crude fat, dry matter, NDF, ADF, and phosphorus. When the duration of fermentation. Treatment lasts 17 days and with the larger amount of cellulase added the lower will recede the alfalfa meal's crude ash content; while the longer lasts the duration of the fermentation treatment with the largest amount of celllase (0.1%) added, the alfalfa meal's calcium content will increase. The experiment of digestibility of broilers indicates that alfalfa meal with a 17 day-fermentation-treatment will not affect the utilization rate of crude fat, NDF, and calcium of the broiler's digestive system.
出处 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第1期48-51,共4页 Acta Agrestia Sinica
关键词 纤维素酶 发酵时间 苜蓿草粉 营养成分 肉鸡 利用率 饲料 Cellulase Duration of fermentation Alfalfa meal Nutritive composition Broiler Utilization rate
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