根据前人的工作,乌鳢分为三个亚种,乌鳢指名亚种Ophicephalus argus argusCantor黑龙江乌鳢O.a.warpachowskii Berg和白乌鳢O.a.kimurai(Shih)本文重点对乌鳢指名亚种和白乌鳢进比较。从形态特征、乳酸脱氢酶和酯酶同工酶表型及染色体组型上,没有发现明显差异(体色除外),并且两者分布区重叠。据此,作者认为,白乌鳢不能被划为一个亚种,而只能认为是普通乌鳢(指名亚种)的变异个体。文章还对亚种划分的标准问题,进行了讨论。
Three subspecies were recognized in literature fox Ophiocephalus argus Cantor primarily on the basis of the numbers of dorsal fin rays, anal fin rays and lateral line scales and the body color. They were O. a. argus, O. a. warpachowskii and O. a. kimurai. The variation of dorsal rays, anal rays and lateral line scales were compared in the paper among the three subspecies. Evidences presented in this study indicate that O. a. warpachowskii is different from the others, and occupies separate geographic range.
This paper centers on the comparison, of O. a. argus and O. a, kimurai. The variation in the numbers of dorsal rays, anal rays and lateral line scales in the species were essentially north-south cline with no discontinuity. The body proportional measurements of the subspecies had no significant difference in statistics. The karyotypes had no difference and LDH and Est isozyme patterns of the two subspecies did not show difference in two tissues(serum and lense), and there was polymorphism in the skeletal muscle and heart. The O. a. kimurai was recognized mainly on the basis of the body color and proportional features by Shih(1936) and was distributed in the same drainage with O. a. argus being a superior population. So the recognization of the white body color population as a subspecies was codsidered unwise for the above reasons. We therefore recommend the recognization of two subspecies: O. a. argus and O. a. warpachowskii. The O. a. kimurai was recognized as a variation specimen of the O. a. argus.
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology
Ophiocephalus argus
O. a. kimurai