目的 总结小型钛板坚固内固定治疗颌骨骨折的经验。方法 骨折手法复位 ,确定咬合关系正确后做临时颌间结扎。按Champy理想线确定固定位置 ,选择合适钛板并塑形使之与颌骨表面密合 ,电钻钻孔 ,旋紧钛钉 ,固定钛板。 结果 所有病例均达到良好复位固定 ,咬合关系良好。除 1例自觉术区不适 ,于术后 10个月拆除钛板 ,1例伤口感染外 ,其余均Ⅰ期愈合 ,未发现咬合错乱等并发症。结论 小型钛板坚固内固定技术 ,效果可靠 ,操作简便 ,创伤小 ,能早期恢复颌骨功能 。
Objective To survey the practical experience of the treatment of maxillart and mandibular frctures by using titanium miniplate osteosynthesis.Methods All the fractures were replaced by hand The occluding relation was corrected,and then temporary intermaxillary fixation or wire fixation was used preoperatively.According to Champy's theory,fixed site was labeled.The selected miniplates were curved to fit in with the surface of bone,Then,holes were made with a electric drill,and minplates fixed firmly with titanium screws.Results All the cases had satisying occlusion postoperatively.Most patients were satisfied with the treatment except 1 case whose minuplates were removed for local abnormal sense, and only in 1 case infection was found. No occlusion disharmony or nerve damge was found Conclusion Titanium miniplate osteosynthesis has advantages which is superior to conventional intermaxillary fixation and wire fixation.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers