目的 调查本院 2年来临床感染常见菌的种类 ,构成比及药物敏感情况 ,以期为临床合理用药 ,提供理论依据。方法 对我院 2 0 0 0年 7月— 2 0 0 2年 7月两年间检出的病原菌 ,采用上海复星公司提供的RORTUNE2 0 0 0微生物自动分析仪进行鉴定和药敏试验。结果 在送检的 3133份标本中 ,共分离 16 2 3株病原菌 ,G 杆菌占 5 .3%,,G+ 球菌 16 .2 %,酵母样霉素 33.8%,分离居前六位的依次是大肠埃希菌 ,克雷伯杆菌 ,铜绿假单胞菌 ,肠杆菌属 ,金黄色葡萄球菌 ,不动杆菌 ;多重耐药菌分离率增加。G 杆菌对亚胺培南、头孢他啶、头孢曲松、氧氟沙星敏感性较高 ;G+ 球菌对万古霉素、诺氟沙星、罗红霉素敏感性较高。结论 临床医生应该与检验科密切配合 ,正确采集和送检标本 ,并关注检出菌的种类及耐药菌株的出现 ,根据药敏结果选药 ,实现用药个体化。
Objective To investigate the kind, distribution and drug sensitivity of clinical common bacterium in two years,in order to direct selecting effective antimicrobial agents in clinical.Methods Fortune IMS automatic bacterial drug sensitivity system and recommended reagents were wsed to identify and susceptibiliy tests were done for different specimens between July 2000 and July 2002.Results In 1623 strains isolated fron 3133 samples, the percentages of Gram negative bacilli,gram positive cocci and fungus were 50.3%,16.2% and 33.8% respectively.The most common pathogens of them were escherichia coli,klebsiellla pseumoniae,pseucomonasaeruginose,enterobacter,staphylococo aureus and acinetobacter.Thes trains with multiple drug resistance(MDR)were increased significantly.Gram negative bacilli were relatively sensitive to aztreonam,ceftazidime,ceftriaxone and of urantoin and gram positive cocci were sensitive to vancomycin,norfloxacin and rulide. Conclusion Clinical department should communicate with microbiological laboratory regularly to gather and carry the samples correctly.Doctors should pay attention to identification and occurrence of the strains with multiple drug resistance (MDR).Antibiotics should be selected according to the result of drug sensitivity test as individual and reasonable as possible.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers