针对传统上高锰钢作为履带板材料在实际应用中的不足 ,研究了一种新型的铸造 M- B低合金高强度耐磨钢 .试验结果表明 ,该钢经过合理的合金设计和适当的处理工艺 ,可获得不同含量的 M-B复相组织 ,从而具有高强度、较高的硬度和韧性、良好的综合性能 ;同时由于合金中加入了镍 ,改善了钢的低温脆性 ,有利于高寒地区的冬季作业 .
A kind of new M-B low-alloy wear resistance steel w ith high strength has been studied to overcome the deficiency of traditional high-manganese steel used in m aking grippad. Combined reasonably selected composition and proper heat-treatment process, this kind of steel possesses high strength, hardness and toughness. At the same time, its synthetic property is very well. Because of the Nickel addition, its low-temperature fragility is improved. Therefore, grippad made of this steel is more suitable to work in low-temperature areas than those are made of the other alloys.
Journal of Jiamusi University:Natural Science Edition