研究了不同生长调节剂和基质对甘蓝腋芽扦插育苗效果的影响。结果表明 ,NAA 1 0 0 0 mg/L、 NAA 1 5 0 0 mg/L能显著提高扦插成活率和幼苗质量 ,1 5 0 0 mg/L的 ABT生根粉虽然对扦插成活率无明显影响 ,但却能较好地提高幼苗质量。基质是影响扦插幼苗效果的重要因素 ,珍珠岩蛭石等量混合的复合基质的育苗效果明显优于其他基质 ,使用这一基质的扦插成活率可达 96 .6 7% ,扦插苗的株高、叶片数、叶面积、根长、叶鲜重、根鲜重、叶干重、根干重分别比土壤对照提高 4 7.4 6 %、35 .4 2 %、 1 93.92 %、2 35 .79%、89.90 %、4 0 .5 1 %、4 0 .79%、5 3.4 4 %。
The effect of different pharmaceutical product and substrate on the quality of cabbage seeding by axil bud were studied. The results show that cutting survival ratio and quality of seedling were elevated markedly by treatment of NAA 1 000mg/L and NAA 1 500mg/L.Though treatment of ABT 1 500mg/L had not elevated survival ratio of seedling markedly, it elevated their quality. At the same time, substrate is one of the most important factors that affect the survival ratio and seedling quality. The substrate which be made up of perlite and vermiculite by the rate 1:1 was the best one. The survival ratio ratio was 96.67% cutting with it, and the seedling quality index such as highness, umber of leaves, area of per leaf, length of root, fresh weightiness of leaves,weightiness of roots,dry weightiness of leaves,dry weightiness of roots were all higher than control about 47.46%,35.42%,193.92%,235.79%,89.90%,40.51%,40.79%,53.44% respectively.