本文通过研究 193 3年、1983年、1984年和 1997年四次典型泥石流活动特征并收集相关资料 ,揭示了罗坝街沟泥石流活动的典型性和区域代表性。其主要特征为 :①在降雨、地震、等直接或间接因素作用下 ,泥石流的暴发同降雨的频率表现出不同步性 ;②谷风产生的大片类黄土堆积与滑坡体共同参与泥石流的形成 ;③历史上暴发的泥石流表现出高流速、大流量 ;④堆积扇形态表现为特殊的长条扭曲“葫芦状” ;⑤罗坝街沟泥石流在堆积区的运动表现为沟道的摆动性和输移的畅通性。
This article studied the main characters of debris f lo w in Luobajie gully Applying the debris flows of Luobajie gully in 1933,1983,1 984 and 1997 as study cases, we analyze the basin characters and the debris flo w basic nature It is found that the debris flow appears some special characters :①Frequency of debris flow in Luobajie gully is different from the frequency o f local precipitation because of the synthesized effects of the rainfall, earthq uake,etc;② Under the influence of the gully wind, there is filled with lots of wind accumulated deposit which triggers the form of debris flow with landslide s;③Reviewing the history of debris flow of Luobajie gully, all contain the cha racteristics of the high current velocity and big discharge;④The shape of debr is flow fan looks like distorted calabash;⑤The movement of the debris flow app ears the swing and smooth characters in the debris flow pan So, all the clear characteristic of debris flow in Luobajie gully is necessity to us to make furt her research
Mountain Research
中国科学院西部之光人才培养计划项目"川西城镇坡地危险性评价标准与指标系统应用" .~~