中国几千年形成的封建礼教曾在精神上长期统治着国民 ,它将任何超越既定秩序的思想、行动全部扼杀在萌芽之中 ,并且逐渐使之丧失了主体意识 ,尤其是对于女性而言。文章试图通过对吴组缃的《竹山房》与施蛰存的《春阳》作比较 ,烛微洞幽地探究人性在特定时空下所呈现出的状态 。
The Chines feudal ethics,which has a history of svera l thousand yeras,exerts its long-lasting spiritual dominance on Chinese people.It strangles,in its cradle,any thought and action inconsistent with the speci fied system and causes a gradual loss of the people's individual consciousness,e specially that of women.The author,through comparison between ‘Lu Zhu House in Mountain,’by Wu Zuxiang and ‘The Spring Sun’by Shi Zhecong,explores the human nature's manifestation in specific temporal and spacial dimension an d attempts at the interactiona l relevance between human nature and social environment and certain changes of h uman nature in modern times.
Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)