纵观夫泽先生的谢冰莹研究 ,在搜集占有大量资料的基础上 ,尽其最大努力地使作家谢冰莹的人格与心路历程、作品的风格与价值全方位地从现当代文学史中凸现出来 ,从而为 2 0世纪中国文学史的重新发掘与定位提供学术支持。
Taken a sweeping view of Mr Fu ge's study on XieBingying,he collected a vast amount of materials and made great efforts to reveal Xie's personality and mind experience,the style and value of her works from the literature of contemporary and present age in all directions,which offered academic support for the re exploration and arientation of Chinese literary history of the 20th century.
Journal of Loudi Teachers College