水泥稳定材料的强度指标 ,通常采用龄期为 7d的无侧限抗压强度。无侧限抗压试件的现场制作是评定公路基层、底基层质量好坏的重要手段和切实有效的最直接方法 ,也为监理人员监督混合料拌和质量提供了可靠证据。结合实践工作经验 ,对水泥稳定土的无侧限抗压试件制作过程中的试模选择 ,试件制作 ,养护以及强度评定等提出注意事项 ,以供广大公路建设者参考。
The common method to ensure the cement's strength is 7days unconfined compression strength.The spot making of it is an method and the most effective way to access road's base course and the quality of it.It also offers credible basis to superving engineer.Gives the problems we should payattentionto in the process of working such as the model selecting,making and assessing from strength.
Road Machinery & Construction Mechanization