道德失范问题是中国现代化进程中出现的一个值得注意的问题。这表现为 “不作为”、越位、耻辱感萎缩等现象。这是由多元化价值目标的强烈冲击、市场经济自身弱点的消极反映 ,是社会调节机制不健全、道德教育不适应变化发展了的客观形势要求等原因引起的。因此 ,必须加快建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制 ,尽量减少市场经济的负面影响 ,树立集体主义观念 ,从我做起 ,从现在做起 。
The problems of nonconformity to traditional moral standard occurring in the course of Chinese modernization is worthy of our attention.These problems display the characteristics of 'amount to nothing',leaving their post without permission, losing sense of disgrace and weakening in pursuit of ideals,and so on.They reflect the intense impact on pluralistic concepts of value,the weakness of market economy in itself.They are caused by the imperfect system of market adjustment and the backward moral education that lags behind the times and can't meet the need of development of society.Therefore,we must lose no time to build up perfect system of socialist market economy,and try to diminish the side effect of market economy.We must foster collective spirit,and to some extent,try to solve these problems from now on.
Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)