理性地审视高师院校的情商教育 ,其存在种种认识上的问题和操作上的偏颇 :(1)对情商教育内涵的界定过于宽泛 ;(2 )对情商教育的重要性认识不足 ;(3)情商教育未纳入课程或课程计划 ;(4)把EQ (情商 )教育与IQ (智商 )教育相对立、与思想政治教育相分离。如何避免情商教育的这四个误区 。
When rationally examining the EQ education of higher teachers colleges,we find there are several kinds of biases in it.They are the following:(1)Much too wide in range on definition of the intension of the EQ education,(2)Inadequate in understanding the importance of the EQ education,(3)not having brought the EQ education into the curriculum or curriculum schedule,(4)Wrongly setting the EQ education against the IQ education and separating the EQ education from the ideological political education. So, it's necessary for us to concern about how to avoid the mentioned problems of the EQ education.
Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)