加快农村产业结构的调整是实现我国农村现代化的关键。我国农村产业结构仍不合理 ,阻碍着农村社会经济发展。我国对农村产业结构的调整推进了农村社会经济及农村现代化的发展。加快农村产业结构的调整必须大力调整农业结构 ,加大对农业的支持和保护力度 ;努力优化品种 ,提高质量 ;大力发展农副产品加工业 ;
To quicken the adjustment of the rural industrial structure, which has irrationally hindered the social economic development of the rural area of our country, is the key to realizing the rural modernization. This adjustment has greatly pushed on the development of the rural social economy and its modernization. In order to quicken this adjustment, the agricultural structure must rapidly be adjusted, and support and protection of agriculture must be reinforced. The following measures can be accordingly taken; improving the strains of seeds, raising the productive quality, developing the animal husbandry and fishery, increasing the processing industry of farm and side-line products and quickening the construction of rural towns.
Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)