培养学生的创新能力是现代外语教育教学最主要的任务之一。在教学过程中 ,教师必须注意因材施教 ,循序渐进 ,以导为主 ,重在启发 ,授之以渔 ,才能有效地培养学生的创新能力 ,使学生在学习中收事半功倍之效。
One of the most important tasks in modern English education is to cultivate students' creativeness. This paper states that the teacher, in the course of his teaching, should teach his students in accordance with their aptitude and follow the principle of gradual improvement; while guiding his students in learning, he should stress on the students' initiatives and show them the way to learn. By doing these the teacher can find a practical way to cultivate his students' creativeness, and the students will get double results with half the effort.
Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)