学习兴趣是创造性思维发展的原动力。学习兴趣的培养与构成需经历三个阶段 :一是诱发兴趣 ,这是创造性思维发展的启动力 ;二是稳定兴趣 ,这是创造性思维发展的持续力 ;三是保持浓厚兴趣 ,这是创造性思维发展的暴发力。以学习兴趣引发学生的创造性思维 ,终将结成硕果。
Interest in studies is the impetus of developing creative thinking,whose formation undergoes the following three stages:(1)the thought_provoking which is a detonator for building up creative thinking;(2)the stabilizer for endurance that is regarded as a stamina for creative thinking;(3)to keep a strong interest in studies,which is considered an explosive force.To induce students' interests in studies will surely be far more productive.
Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)