西部大开发是我国重大的战略决策。广西作为西部大开发地区之一 ,特别需要大批高素质的人才。根据目前广西经济发展和人才状况 ,必须走自己培养之路 ,充分利用各种人才培养的资源 ,造就符合广西区情的社会主义现代化建设的各类人才。
Western development is an important strategic decision of our country. Guangxi, one of the regions in the western part of China, particularly needs a lot of high quality talents. According to the current economic development and talent situation, we have to train talents by ourselves and make excellent use of various resources in talent training in order to bring up all kinds of talents to meet the needs of the constructions of Guangxi.
Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)