方言不仅自身就是一种重要民俗事象 ,而且是民俗的重要载体和表现形式。方言表现民俗的方式有四 :(1)方言单位概括指称民俗事象 ;(2 )方言单位具体陈述民俗事象的内容 ;(3)方言单位旁涉夹带民俗事象 ;(4)方言单位折射出民俗的风貌。由于方言与民俗天成的、经常而普遍的规律性关系 ,有必要建立起一门交叉性边缘学科———方言民俗学 。
The dialect is not only an important folklore meter,but also an important carrier and manifestation of the folklore. The dialect manifests the folklore in four ways:(1)Dialect unit indicates the folklore meter in broad outline;(2)Dialect unit states the content of the folklore meter particularly;(3)Dialect unit carries secretly the folklore meter;(4)Dialect unit refracts the style and features of the folklore meter.Owing to a nature, day_to_day,universal and regular relationship between the dialect and the folklore, it is essential for us to establish an intersectant and frontier branch of learning--Dialect_folklore.
Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)