1 前言信息处理系统正变得越来越开放、复杂与面向网络,其中一个重要特征是人已经成为该系统中的组成部分,我们生活中最具体的人工开放复杂系统的例子是Internet。对这样的开放、复杂巨系统的研究已成为信息与知识系统研究的热点之一。人机结合从定性到定量的综合集成研讨厅体系(简称研讨厅体系)是钱学森院士等于10多年前针对处理开放、复杂巨系统提出的方法论,其工程技术方法——综合集成法,是处理复杂系统尤其是结构不良的复杂问题的求解方法,实际上就是要按照研讨厅体系思想构建处理具体复杂问题的智能信息系统。这样的研讨厅是针对具体的复杂问题,将专家群体知识与智慧、领域知识与数据、相关设备等有机地集成起来,按照人机结合以人为主的设计理念和从定性到定量的一种综合集成的过程。
The methodology for Open Complex Giant Systems(OCGS) is a metasynthesis from qualitative to quantitative, i. e. to build a Hall for Workshop of Metasynthetic Engineering (HWME), which has been founded for more than ten years. The development of Internet and its relevant technology has been a stable technology base for building Intranet/Internet based HWME. In this paper, the macroeconomic decision-making is taken as the research subject of HWME, the function and structure of HWME for macroeconomic decision-making are presented,some key points of constructing practical HWME for complex problem solving are discussed,and thus the design ideas of Intranet/Internet-based HWME and taking the HWME as a knowledge production and services system are pointed out and discusse-d. Furthermore, the software architecture of Internet-based HWME has been constructed in this paper, which can be the reference design model of HWME for specific OCGS-like problem solving.
Computer Science