砂土地基在地震动荷载作用下会发生液化 ,使地基丧失承载力 ,建筑物产生大量不均匀沉降 ,造成建筑物开裂、倾斜或破坏 ,国家财产和人民生命遭受损失。通过分析液化的形成条件及本身特性 ,提出了在设计中全部消除地基液化沉陷 。
Sand foundation will be liquefied under action of earthquake dynamic load, which make foundation lose bearing capacity and buildings produce uneven settlement lead to building crack and out of the perpendicular. Through analyzing features and forming conditions of foundation liquefaction, this paper puts forward measures of removing foundation liquefaction completely or partly and reducing its effect.
Taiyuan Science and Technology