A new elite sugarcane clone Yunzhe89-351 with medium maturing, high sucrose content, high and stable yield was introduced in this paper. The clone showed good germination and tillering trait, strong seedling and vigorous growth. The stalk is thick, high and erect. Millable stalks are more than 90,000 per ha. The yield is between 90-100 tons/ha, 15-20% more than that of the check (Guitang 11). Sucrose is more than 13% in November, and the average sucrose is more than 14%, similar to that of the check. The sucrose contents per ha reach to 12-15 tons, 15-20% higher than that of the check. Yunzhe 89-3 51 has abilities of good ratooning, resistant to smut, mosaic and drought. It is suitable to plant in paddy field or upland with irrigation.
Sugarcane and Canesugar