
便携式动态心肺功能测定仪的信度评价 被引量:3

Reliability Appraisal of A Portable Cardiorespiratory Function Testing Instrument
摘要 目的 对k4b2 便携式动态心肺功能测定仪的信度进行评价。方法 利用k4b2 便携式动态心肺功能测定仪 ,采用重测法 ,随机抽取大学生中年龄在 2 0~ 2 5岁的 15名健康男性 ,在统一测试方法和统一测试状态 (静息状态 )下 ,进行 3次重复测试 ,对试验数据进行单因素方差分析、变异度分析及正态性检验 ,比较其重测信度。结果 对测试对象总体而言 ,各指标的 3次重复测定结果无显著性差异 ;对每个测试对象而言 ,按 15 %标准 ,各指标的变异系数中仅有 1例略超过 15 % ,其余均在 15 %以内 ,表明符合重测信度的要求 ;由试验数据可以计算健康成年男子心肺功能指标的参考值范围 ,但由于样本例数太少 ,需进一步扩大具有代表性参考值。结论 k4b2 Objective To appraise the reliability of a portable cardiorespiratory function testing instrument.Methods Fifteen healthy male undergraduates aged from 20 to 25 years voluntarily participated in this study.The subjects accepted the same test for three times on the state of silence.One way analysis of valiance(one way ANOVA)for randomized block design,analysis of variation and detection of equal variances were used to appraise the reliability. Results To all the subjects there was no significant difference among the three same tests for every index.According to the standard of 15%,as regard the coefficient of variance,there was only one index whose coefficient variance was little higher than 15%.It is proved that the test fits the request of reliability.From the data of the test we also get the reference scopes of cardiorespiratory function indices for the healthy male.In order to enhance the persuasion we need further work to enlarge the number of subjects.Conclusion The portable estimate instrument has better reliability.
出处 《职业卫生与病伤》 2003年第1期1-3,共3页 Occupational Health and Damage
关键词 心肺功能 便携式测定仪 信度 Cardiorespiratory function Portable testing instrument Reliability
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