目的 :研究下颌骨数字化曲面体层X线摄影技术及其临床应用。材料和方法 :采用德国西门子公司的sirona5 9685 73D3 2 0 0型ORTHOPHOSPLUSDS系统 ,对 10 0例患者进行下颌骨数字化曲面体层X线摄影。结果 :与传统胶片曲面体层摄影技术比较 ,下颌骨数字化曲面体层X线摄影技术曝光量减少了 5 0 %~ 60 % ,影像质量 :甲级 86例 ,乙级 10例 ,丙级 4例。结论 :下颌骨数字化曲面体层X线摄影技术具有普通胶片曲面体层摄影技术所不具备的优越性 ,是临床及科研的一种新检查手段。
Purpose:To investigate mandible digital panoramic X ray technique and its clinical application. Materials and Methods:The mandible digital panoramic X ray characters of one handred cases who had been examined by sirona system were studied. Results:The mandible digital panoramic X ray technique had more advantages than convetional panoramic,The exposure time was shorted for 50%~60%. Conclusion:This new imaging system applied in clinics and research work can play an important role in improving the diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging