目的 :探讨髋关节特发性软骨溶解症的临床及X线、CT和MRI影像学特点 ,为诊断提供依据。材料和方法 :分析本例自发病以来的系列临床及综合影像学资料 ,结合文献总结其临床和影像学特点。结果 :软骨溶解症起病隐匿 ,发展缓慢 ,早期临床及影像学诊断极为困难 ,后期关节毁损严重 ,系列影像学资料有利于早期明确诊断。影像学特点为 :髋关节间隙变窄或消失 ,股骨头骺板提前闭合 ,直至内陷 ,同时髋臼内突 ,股骨头颈逐渐溶解、碎裂、消失。结论 :髋关节软骨溶解症早期诊断困难 ,发病机制不明 ,临床目前尚无有效治疗方法 ,系列影像资料并结合临床有利于早期诊断。
Purpose: To study and discuss the clinical, X ray, CT and MRI feature of idiopathic chondrolysis, help to know this disease more. Materials and Methods: The system clinical and imaging feature of this disease were analysed, and reviewed the relevant literature deta. Results: Idiopathic chondrolysis was a case of slowly developing, and severely affected the joints. Early diagnostic methods including imaging and clinical were all very difficult. A system imaging feature might help us to make a correct diagnosis. In the early stage, there was a narrow hip joint space. After then, the femoral head and neck was slowly atrophy, hip joint was gradually dislocation. Conclusion: Idiopathic chondrolysis is a rare disease, update; there are no effective diagnosis and therapy methods. A system imaging material might help to do a early and correct diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging