In Chinese consulting circles, Zhang Honqi is aperson in disputes. Some admire him for his start-upwith only thirty thousands yuan and making Han Con-sulting a famous consulting company only in severalyears, and others scorn him as "his ability to publicizehimself much better than his skills in consulting,"andfeel it beneath their dignity to do so. It seems more relevant to see Zhang as a dressedsalesman ever with black document bags in his handsand busy giving out orders, instead of the President ofHan Consulting. To many people, all his efforts seem tobe "the one--person side in a battle" in both the com-petition with international "FiveGiants" and making customers con-vinced of him all by himself. However, it should be noticedthat Zhang has kept on winning bothnew customers and more investments.The investment from Asia LogisticsTechnology came in first, and thenhis company was sold to Legend Group in transition to IT service lastyear. Thus, the situation of the "one-person battle"has ended.