后现代主义是一个争论了几十年的问题,人言人殊,复杂纷繁。对于后现代主义是否已经终结或者消亡, 也是各抒己见,莫衷一是。本文从后现代主义的缘起与启蒙运动和现代主义的关系谈起,讨论了它的种种表征和 当前的状况,以期对后现代主义有一个易于理解的阐述和评述。
Postmodernism has been a constantly debated problem, controversial and complicated. There are various answers to the question of whether Postmodernism has come to an end or simply withered away. The present thesis surports to make an analysis of Postmodernism, from its origins, its relations with the Enlightenment and Modernism to its major features and the status quo. It attempts to give the reader a lucid overview of the problem in discussion.
Journal of Sichuan International Studies University