以修辞学之古典本义及现代新义中共通的广义修辞学为研究背景,通过实证对比中西作者英文标点的使 用,重点分析难以把握的分号及破折号的活跃修辞功能,说明标点符号可以为阅读欣赏与高级写作提供更为丰富 的逻辑层次和情感色彩。
Starting from the common broad sense of rhetoric between its Greek origin and modern tolerance, this paper makes an empirical study of the different trends in applying English punctuation marks between Chinese and native writers. It focuses on the elusive functions performed by semi-colons and dashes - the distinctive nuances of logic and feeling, to help advance composition and appreciation of the language.
Journal of Sichuan International Studies University