
湍流模型在翼身组合体流场数值模拟中的应用研究 被引量:6

On Applying Four Turbulence Models to Numerical Simulation of Flow for Wing-Body Configuration
摘要 通过求解三维 Reynolds平均 Navier-Stokes方程 ,采用 4种湍流模型 :代数 B-L、J-K90 A/J-K92模型和两方程 k-g模型 ,分别数值模拟了 ONERA-M6机翼、细长旋成体及 NASA TN D-71 2翼身组合体标模的跨声速及超声速流场。计算结果表明 ,对于附体及小分离流动 ,4种湍流模型的数值计算结果与实验值吻合良好 ;对于强激波、大分离等具有强烈上游历程效应的粘性流动 ,k-g和 J-K模型较 B-L模型有更好的模拟能力 ;对于具有多体干扰的复杂流场 ,k-g模型的表现则优于其余 We describe and compare the turbulence models: the algebraic Baldwin-Lomax (B-L) model, two versions of Johnson-King model (J-K90A and J-K92) and two-equation k-g model, and the ONERA M6 wing transonic, missile supersonic and NASA TN D-712 standard mode transonic are numerically simulated. We numerically integrate the 3-dimensional (3-D) compressible Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with central finite volume scheme and explicit multi-step Runge-Kutta algorithm. The results show that all the four models perform well for attached and mildly separated flows. The shock location for B-L model lags behind in the case of ONERA M6 wing. In the case of missile supersonic flow, the calculation of large angle-of-attack separated flow with k-g and J-K92 models matches the experimental results better than those with B-L, J-K90A models and k-g model, because of such advantages as no need to use normal-to-wall distance, simple source terms and straightforward boundary conditions, and it performs better than the other three models for complex configuration with multi-wall interference. Because B-L and J-K models are based on empirical Prandtl mixing-length concept and they require calculating distance normal to wall, the application scopes of these models are limited for the multi-block mesh system and complex geometries.
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期99-102,共4页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
基金 航空基金 (98A5 3 0 0 5 ) 总装"十五"气动预研项目资助
关键词 机翼 细长旋成体 翼身组合体 代数B-L J-K90A/J-K92模型 两方程k-g模型 Computational fluid dynamics Computer simulation Mathematical models Missiles Navier Stokes equations Wings
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