The red cabbage color extracted from leaves of purple cabbage. It used had a longer time in European, America and Japan etc., but unlisted in GB 2760:'Hygienic standards for uses of food additives'. In the common red cabbage color content a few sulfur amino acids, it can be produce the volatile matters of sulfides and thiols, especially as di-methy trisulfide, it has a lower smell threshold, Therefore restricted it to a good uses. Now, treated with a spacial extracted and purified techniques, may be reduce The prosubstances and decrease the limited to uses.
The important compment of red cabbage color are acyl derivatives of anthocyamins, as a natural food color, its heat resistance and light resistance more than other same colors. In addition, it can be as an antioxidant to inhibited the super-oxide radicals and diabetes.
Cereals & Oils