The relationship between Ni_3Al single crystal structures with Boron contents of 0, 0.52, 1.37, 2.22 and 3.00 at % and their mechanical properties at room and high temperatre is studied in this paper. It shows that as the Boron content grows, the tensile strength and yield strength of Ni_3Al single crystal at room temperature and 800℃ increase continuously. The maximums are obtained at contents of 1.37 and 0.52at % B respectively. If the Boron content continue to grow, boride eutectic will separate out from Ni_3Al structure and make its property worse.At 850℃, 100MPa, rupture time and elongation of Ni_3Al will obviously decrease with the increase of Boron content. But compared with Ni_3Al polycrystal of the same composition, the rupture time and elongation will be one to two order of magnitude higher.
Journal of Aeronautical Materials