
北宋党争与苏轼的陶渊明情结 被引量:11

Su Shi's Tao Yuanming Complex Under the Northern Song Political Conflicts
摘要 作为"触媒",北宋党争激活并深化了苏轼对陶渊明的历史记忆,使之产生陶渊明情结;同时,在社会背景、文化结构和时代接受心理的共同影响下,苏轼根据现实处境的需要对陶渊明重新进行了诠释和建构。在习陶和陶过程中,苏轼将自身旷达超脱的精神气质注入到陶诗冲淡平和的外壳中,体现了特有的直面命运和"应物"的处穷哲理,并使其得以从中排遣情累,自我镇定,达到情感的内在超越和净化。 No spiritual and idealistic heritage can influence the following generations automatically until certain 'accelerator' appears and pushes the following generations of scholars to trace back to the remote memories. This kind of recollection is not a simple echo but a result of current atmosphere and certainly has been feathered with characters of the totally different time. Three intense conflicts among the Northern Song Dynasty political parties, the Wutai Poem Event, the Yangzhou Poem Event and then the largescale oppression in the Shaosheng Period pushed Su Shi out of the center of politics and power. It destroyed Su's original mental structure as a traditional Confucian scholar who always believed in 'making verses to give the rulers good advice and benefit the nation'. This extroverted official, scholar and talented poet was turned inwards. As accelerators, the three intense conflicts recalled and deepened Su's memory of Tao Yuanming, the wellknown poet living in the late Jin Dynasty, who chose to live like a recluse because the political atmosphere was too dark and horrible. On the one hand, by rewriting poems in Tao's original rhymes and imitating Tao's peaceful and plain style, a strong Tao Yuanming complex took root in Su's heart. On the other hand, with the impact from his contemporary scholars and his cultural backgrounds, this historic figure was inevitably reexpressed and reconstructed by Su. Combining the shell of Tao's poems with his own feelings and thought during his political upsanddowns in the fierce factionalism, Su established his own philosophical construction, and in this series of poems, he gradually evolved and expressed his theory about 'directly facing the reality' and 'getting free from the rein of the outerworld', with which Su managed to surpass his terrible mood in exile and maintain a peaceful mind successfully.
作者 丁晓 沈松勤
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第2期111-119,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 朋党之争 历史记忆 和陶遣情 重新建构 conflicts historical re-collections restructure
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