
股权结构与公司治理的相关分析——理论、实践的比较与借鉴 被引量:16

Interrelated Analysis on Ownership Structure and Corporate Governance Comparison and Implication of theory and practice
摘要 本文主要探讨公司股权结构差异与公司治理之间的内在联系。从政府规制角度分析股权结构的差异性及成因;从股权的集中和分散程度,以及大股东不同身份的角度分析股权结构差异与公司治理方式之间的内在联系;从成熟市场经济和转轨经济两方面的理论、实践的差异探讨了股权结构与公司治理效率之间的联系;进而提出有关与中国企业改革相关的政策建议。 The paper studies mainly the inherent relation between corporate ownership structure and corporate governance.It analyses the difference and causes of ownership structure in line with government regulation,the inherent relation between the difference of ownership structure and the way of corporate governance in view of ownership concentration and decentralization and the various chief share-holders.The paper also discusses the interrelation between ownership structure and efficiency of corporate governance through analysis on the difference of the theory and the practice in two aspects of mature market economy and non-mature economy.The paper concludes with some policy recommendations on Chinese enterprise reform.
作者 邱国栋
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第2期38-43,共6页 China Soft Science
关键词 股权结构 差异性 成因 公司治理 中国 企业改革 政府规制 ownership structure corporate governance
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