山西在开发人才资源 ,建设人才高地中面临的一个突出问题是人才总量不足 ,人才结构不合理。这就要求山西需要尽快抓住改革开放的历史机遇 ,按照“以政策吸引人才 ,用项目聚集人才 ,多渠道培养人才 ,靠环境留住人才”的思路 ,超常规培养和引进人才。在增加人才数量、提升人才素质的同时 ,尽快缓解经济建设对人才需求的结构性矛盾 。
In exploitation of talents' resources and talents'construction Shanxi faces a special problem that talents' amount is not enough and structure of talents is not reasonable.The situation asks Shanxi to take the historical opportunities of opening and reforms,and foster and import talents in a special way according to the train of thought:'attrat talents with policy,collect talents with project,foster talents in multiple ways and keep talents by environment'.On increasing talents and raising quality of talents,we should soon improve talents'structure in economic construction so as to meet the needs of all kinds of talents in economic building and social development.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi