
战术导航过程中新歼飞行员的信息显示需求 被引量:2

Cockpit Information Required by Advanced Fighter Pilots for Displays in Tactical Navigation.
摘要 目的研究提出战术导航过程中新型歼击机应向飞行员显示的飞行信息及其优先级。方法以飞行员显示需求为指标 ,用 1 1级数字评定法对 61 4条飞行信息做使用调查。用新型歼击机首席试飞员、1 62名普通歼击机飞行员数据对 48名新型歼击机飞行员使用意见做补充性修正 ,综合形成最终结果。结果飞行员将61 4条信息分为 8个等级类别。战术导航过程中“中等以上”显示需求A、B、C、D类信息各有 1 9条、1 0 5条、82条、1 0 7条。结论推荐显示战术导航信息 3 1 3条。可依据信息显示需求分数值或等级类别确定其显示优先级。 Objective To determine the display information and its priority for tactical navigation of advanced fighter.Methods 162 experienced fighter pilots included 48 ace pilots and the chief test pilots. 614 items of cockpit information were rated in 11-point scale with the display requirement(DR) by pilots as probe indices of information usage in investigation. The data of advanced fighter pilots were replenished by that of the chief test pilots and that of all fighter pilot population. Results The 614 items of flight information were rated in 8 classes by Z-value of the DR, of which the information in A to D classes were suggested to display for pilots with priority of Z-value. In tactical navigation (navigation, cruise, or return flight), 19 items of flight information were in class A, 105 items were in class B, 82 items were in class C, 107 items in class D. Conclusions It suggested that 273 items of common information were voted as display information which could be prioritized by their median Z-value of display requirement by pilots.
出处 《人类工效学》 2003年第1期5-10,22,共7页 Chinese Journal of Ergonomics
关键词 战术导航 歼击机 飞行员 信息显示需求 座舱信息 pilots cockpit information tactical navigation fighter
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