

Textual Research and Analysis of the State-operated Schools in Lake Tai Region of the Tang Dynasty
摘要 唐前期,太湖地区州县乡学校绝大多数没有如唐兴学诏令和《唐六典》中规定的那样建立起来。但在中唐时期,主要是代宗大历年间,在该地区却出现了“崇儒兴学”的活跃景象。“学”因“崇儒”而兴,主要原因在于:唐王朝在安史乱后将“崇儒兴学”作为稳定江南地区统治秩序的一项战略举措;以李栖筠为首的一批官僚士大夫亦通过“兴学”来“兴先王之道”,达到纠科举选官之弊的目的。代宗以后,由于种种原因办学又趋于沉寂。太湖地区官学教育以通经习礼为主要教学内容,以道德教化为其社会功能,以实现“兴先王之道”、天下大治为最终目的,“崇儒兴学”则是其主要特征。 In early days of the Tang Dynasty, the great majority of coun t ry schools were not built in accordance with the Tang imperial edict of vitalizi ng education and The Six Institutions of Tang. But in the Mid-Tang period, mainl y in Dai Zong period, an active scene of 'Worshiping Confucianism and vitalizing education' came into being. 'Education' was vitalized because of 'worshiping Co nfucianism'. The main reason is that the Tang Imperial Court regarded 'worshipin g Confucianism and vitalizing education' as a strategic measurement that could s tabilize the ruling orders in the South Region of the Yangtze River. Headed by L I Qi-yun, a group of bureaucrat officials began to rejuvenate the ruling doctrin es of the former sovereigns through 'vitalizing education' in order to rectify m alpractice of the imperial examinations to chose scholars. After Dai Zong, for v arious reasons, vitalizing education zeal became cooled. The main teaching mater ials for the state-operated education in Lake Tai Region were to teach students to master Confucianism and the feudal ethics. The social function was education in ethics and the ultimate aim was to realize the former emperors' ambition and get great order throughout the land. 'Worshiping Confucianism and vitalizing edu cation' was the main features of the time.
作者 顾向明
出处 《临沂师范学院学报》 2003年第1期52-56,共5页 Journal of Linyi Teachers' College
关键词 唐代 太湖地区 官学 考证 教育 道德教化 办学经费 Tang Dynasty Lake Tai Region state-operated education Mid-T ang Dynasty Dai Zong worship Confucianism and vitalize education
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  • 1(后晋)刘(日句)等,.旧唐书[M]中华书局.
  • 2中华书局.全唐文[M]中华书局.








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