目的 探讨老年痴呆与老年抑郁症的不同表现及早期诊断治疗的重要性。方法 对 2 4例老年痴呆症和 2 6例老年抑郁症患者分别进行临床比较和分组治疗。结果 2 4例老年痴呆症治疗好转率 :早期组 81.8% (9/ 11) ,中期组 6 6 .7% (6 / 9) ,晚期组 2 5 % (1/ 4 ) ,老年抑郁症根据哈密尔顿 (Hamil ton)抑郁量表分为轻度、中度、重度。治疗好转率 :轻度组 10 0 % (6 / 6 ) ,中度组 75 % (9/ 12 ) ,重度组37.5 % (3/ 8)。结论 老年痴呆和老年抑郁症是老年人病因不相同的两类常见疾病 ,两者的临床表现均具有神经心理活动的障碍和异常性 ,早期临床症状有许多相似之处 ,在临床鉴别中常有一定困难 ,若能早期诊断 ,早期治疗 ,是提高老年人生活质量的唯一途径 。
Objective To investigate the different manifestations of senile dementia and senile depression, and the significance of their early diagnosis and treatment. Methods 24 cases of senile dementia patients and 26 cases of senile depression patients were treated in different stage, then the curative effects were compared. Results The improved rates of the 24 cases of senile dementia patients after treatment were 81.8% in early-stage, 66.7% in middle-stage and 25% in advanced-stage. The conditions of senile depression were classified into three degrees: mild, moderate and severe according to Hamition's measure chart. The improved rates of 26 cases of senile depression patients after treatment were 100% in mild group, 75% in moderate group and 37.5% in severe group. Conclusions Senile depression and senile dementia are two kinds of common diseases with different causes in elderly people. Both of the diseases simply show neuro-psychological barrier and abnormality in clinical manifestations. There were many similarities in early clinical symptoms, which bring about certain difficulties in clinical differentiation. Early diagnosis and treatment is the only way to improve the life qualities of the elderly people and also the great measure to relieve the pressure of the family and society.
Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health