教师专业化发展是师范教育改革与发展的时代潮流 ,提高师范人才的专业素质是教师专业化发展的核心。研究师范人才培养的教师专业化发展改革策略 ,着力于教师教育的课程设置和教师教育体系结构方面的调整 ,有助于培养高素质的适应基础教育改革发展需要的新型教师 。
Teachers specialization is the trend in the reform and development of normal education with the improvement of the professional quality at its core. To study the specialization reform strategies and to adjust the curricula and structure of teachers education are helpful to cultivate new quality teachers, who are up to the reform and development of elementary education and push forward the quality innovation education in the new century.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Higher Education Study Edition)