派生诉讼制度对保护公司及全体股东利益具有重要作用。派生诉讼之原告应仅限于公司之股东 ,且无论其持股时间之长短与持股数额之多寡 ,只要其于系争之违法行为被公开前或其得知此违法行为前持有公司之股份 ,均有权提起派生诉讼。凡侵害公司利益者 ,均为派生诉讼之被告 ,不以损害公司利益之控制股东、董事为限。公司在派生诉讼中既非原告 ,也非被告 ,更非第三人 ,而是一种独立的诉讼参与人 ,其于诉讼中应处于中立地位。
The system of derivative action plays an important role in prote cting a company and its shareholders interests.The plaintiff in a derivative suit shoul d be confined to the company's shareholders, and those who uncovered have ri ght to conduct a derivative act,no matter how long and how many they interests shoul d be accused as defendant in a derivative suit ,not limited to the company 's con trolling shareholders and directors.In a derivative suit ,a company should not p lay as a kind of independent litigant particepants, and it should remain neutral.
Journal of Chaohu University