利玛窦 ,明清之际来华的一位耶稣会传教士。他在华期间改变以往传教士的传教策略 ,利用西学作为敲门砖 ,客观上对西学东渐作出了一定的贡献。在评价这一问题时 ,既要把西学东渐与殖民掠夺下的“文化侵略”区分开来 。
Matteo Ricci(1552-1610), a christian p riest from west in the late Ming and Qing periods, changed the us ual way of doing missionar y work when he was in China by merying rel igious doctrine and wester n Learning. To some extent, his work helped the Spread of Western Le arning in eastern countries, but his con servative ideas and the limitations of his work should also be ta ken into consideration.
Journal of Chaohu University