自然、朴素、淳真是人们对陶渊明人生和诗歌的评价 ,其率真的性格历来为后人所激赏 ,但就此认为是其性格的主色调显然失于偏颇。从哲学思想、仕隐生活、崇尚自然、社会理想、玄学影响、诗歌艺术等六个方面去解读陶渊明的另类人生 ,揭示其不为人熟知的理性的一面 ,会有助于更客观、全面地认识和评价这位伟大的诗人。
People comment that the characters of Tao Yuanming and his poems that are fully appreciated are natural, simple and real. But it's not enough to thin k those are his main characters. This paper discusses six more aspects of his li fe which are unknown intellectual energy from philosophical thinking, life out o f officialdom as a recluse, returning to nature, thinking of an ideal world, the influence of metaphysics to the art of his poems, providing comments on the gre at poet objectively and comprehensively.
Journal of Chaohu University